will be held on




About Us

Fulton Auto Auction is where you will find the absolute lowest prices anywhere on older model vehicles in the tri-state area.  Buyers come from all around the southeast for the deals at Fulton Auto Auction. Our auctions are managed by professional auctioneers with years of experience so you can be assured of a great deal and fair treatment on every single purchase. We make it easy.  We are located in Fulton, Mississippi in northeast Mississippi (get map & directions).

Fulton Auto Auction
405 East Main Street
Fulton, MS 38843

We open at 8am and bidding begins at 9am.

Our auction vehicles come from car finance companies and average 10 years in age. Most are in good running condition, and If they’re not, their condition is noted.  All vehicles are available for inspection the day of the auction. View the Featured Vehicles page to see a sample of the 200 or so vehicles available at the auction or click on Search for a list of all vehicles.

Over the years, we have sold thousands of vehicles and most of our buyers are return customers. That says something about the trust our customers have in us and the absolutely great deals here.

If you haven’t attended one of our auctions, you will be pleasantly surprised with the low prices and the quality of our vehicles. Visit us at our next auction (click here for the date and vehicle list). Attendance is free, and the auctions are open to both dealers and the general public.

Click here to pre-register and avoid waiting in line.

Don’t miss out on our great deals; click here to stay up-to-date and receive special customer email notices on important deals. If you register for emails now, you won’t miss out on any of the great deals at Fulton Auto Auction. Do it today.

We hope to see you soon at Fulton Auto Auction!

Important Info

About Us

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Fulton Auto Auction is where you will find the absolute lowest prices anywhere on older model vehicles in the tri-state area.  Buyers come from all around the southeast for the deals at Fulton Auto Auction. Our auctions are managed by professional auctioneers with years of experience so you can be assured of a great deal and fair treatment on every single purchase. We make it easy.  We are located in Fulton, Mississippi in northeast Mississippi (get map & directions).

Fulton Auto Auction
405 East Main Street
Fulton, MS 38843

We open at 8am and bidding begins at 9am.

Our auction vehicles come from car finance companies and average 10 years in age. Most are in good running condition, and If they’re not, their condition is noted.  All vehicles are available for inspection the day of the auction. View the Featured Vehicles page to see a sample of the 200 or so vehicles available at the auction or click on Search for a list of all vehicles.

Over the years, we have sold thousands of vehicles and most of our buyers are return customers. That says something about the trust our customers have in us and the absolutely great deals here.

If you haven’t attended one of our auctions, you will be pleasantly surprised with the low prices and the quality of our vehicles. Visit us at our next auction (click here for the date and vehicle list). Attendance is free, and the auctions are open to both dealers and the general public.

Click here to pre-register and avoid waiting in line.

Don’t miss out on our great deals; click here to stay up-to-date and receive special customer email notices on important deals. If you register for emails now, you won’t miss out on any of the great deals at Fulton Auto Auction. Do it today.

We hope to see you soon at Fulton Auto Auction!

Upcoming Auction

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Previous Auction

{{ month }}





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